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Assessing Climate Change Impacts On Ecosystems Biodiversity And Humans

Working Group II Contribution to IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems, Biodiversity, and Humans


The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) provides a comprehensive assessment of the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, biodiversity, and human systems. This report builds upon the findings of previous IPCC assessments and incorporates the latest scientific evidence to provide a comprehensive understanding of the risks and challenges posed by climate change.

Key Findings

The report finds that climate change is having a significant impact on ecosystems and biodiversity worldwide. These impacts include shifts in species distributions, changes in ecosystem functioning, and increased risk of extinction for many species. Climate change is also affecting human systems, such as food security, water resources, and human health.

The report also highlights the importance of adaptation and mitigation measures to reduce the risks of climate change. Adaptation measures can help to reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and human systems to climate change impacts, while mitigation measures can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the pace of climate change.

Policy Implications

The findings of the Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report have important implications for policy makers. The report provides evidence that climate change is a major threat to ecosystems, biodiversity, and human systems. It also highlights the need for urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
